Unicorn’s Autumn Budget takeaways

Re-watch on demand here Unicorn’s Autumn Budget takeaways.

On balance, we think most measures were supportive. In the small-cap market, AIM shares will continue to qualify for Business Relief (BR), at a reduced rate of 50% (an effective rate of 20% for Inheritance Tax, or IHT). These changes do not come into effect until April 2026. Until then, AIM shares will qualify for 100% relief from inheritance tax.

On a macro level, many of the headwinds that have faced UK equities for several years are now tailwinds: falling inflation, potential rate cuts, and political stability underpinned by strong company fundamentals. The government’s commitment to spending on infrastructure and the NHS should be supportive to some select industrial and construction companies widely held in Unicorn portfolios. Increases in National Insurance are likely to see companies with privileged market-leading positions pass costs on.

Recorded: 4 November 2024
Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments & the income from them may go down as well as up & investors may not get back the full amount of their original investment. Issued by Unicorn Asset Management Limited, First Floor Office, Preacher’s Court, The Charterhouse, Charterhouse Square, London EC 1 M 6 AU Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This video is intended for Professional Investors and is not suitable for use by Retail Investors.

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