Q2 2023 Update & Outlook Webinar – AIM IHT & VCT

Max Ormiston provides an overview of recent portfolio activity and performance and discusses the current positioning and outlook for the AIM IHT & VCT portfolios.

Discussion points for the sessions:

  • How companies are trading
  • How Unicorn navigates overweight’s and underweights
  • What lies ahead for consumers and interest rates
  • Global trend of inflation, prices falling across energy and raw materials

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments & the income from them may go down as well as up & investors may not get back the full amount of their original investment. Issued by Unicorn Asset Management Limited, First Floor Office, Preacher’s Court, The Charterhouse, Charterhouse Square, London EC 1 M 6 AU Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This video is intended for Professional Investors and is not suitable for use by Retail Investors.

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