Our Investment Approach

The Unicorn investment approach is underpinned by our policy of backing quality companies over the long term. We build high conviction portfolios with a clear focus on fundamentals.

Portfolios are constructed with a clear focus on core investment fundamentals including profitability, cash generation and balance sheet strength. This is a bottom up, stock picking approach which does not look to track the benchmark indices. We aim to back companies with the ability to grow organically and become significantly larger businesses during our extended period of investment.

This approach consistently unearths opportunities in the Small and Mid-Cap universe, where growth levels are more attractive, valuation anomalies exist and engagement with senior management is high.

This is a generalist approach, however, our discipline and focus on quality means more speculative, higher risk areas of the market are consistently avoided. This disciplined approach has delivered excellent long term returns for investors across our range of differentiated equity strategies.

Unicorn adopts a fundamental approach to stock selection, focusing on businesses we believe have the potential to outperform the market over the long term. We view a company’s commitment to responsible and sustainable operations as a key indicator of its ability to create and preserve long-term value.

Mitigating sustainability-related financial risks involves identifying, evaluating, and addressing financial challenges stemming from various external and internal factors. By prioritising this approach, organisations safeguard themselves against immediate risks whilst also strategically positioning themselves to capitalise on longer term opportunities in an increasingly dynamic economic environment.

Each stage of this evaluation and engagement process is documented and can be made available upon request, ensuring transparency and accountability in investment practices

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