Our Business

Unicorn is an independent asset manager with a dedicated and passionate team, focussed on delivering long-term value for investors. Based in the historic Charterhouse, a relative oasis in the City of London, we focus on shutting out the noise in markets and look to deliver superior returns for our clients over the long term.

Established in 2000, we specialise in UK Equity investing via a range of actively managed funds and with a structural bias towards the opportunities in small and mid-sized companies. With well over 100 years’ investment experience, we are well placed to determine the true value of a business and it’s potential.

Our investment approach is high-conviction, with fundamental, bottom up analysis and research conducted in house.

Our expectation is that we will hold stakes in our investee companies for several years. The decision to invest is similar to that of an owner-manager’s business decision to participate in a quality business franchise.

Our Awards

UK Income

UK Growth


Outstanding British Companies

UK Smaller Companies


Our Partners

LGBR Capital distributes our products to professional clients. LGBR Capital formed in 2012 and has a number of relationships with leading investment product providers helping to distribute their products across a range of geographies and asset classes.

Maitland provides the accounting and fund administration for our range of open ended funds. The Maitland group is a privately owned global advisory and fund administration firm with over $200 billon assets under administration.

ISCA Administration Services is based in Exeter and provides the company secretarial and accounting services to the Unicorn AIM VCT.

WM Capital is a firm of investment specialists providing robust investment propositions for IFAs. We have partnered with WM Capital and LGBR Capital to market the Unicorn AIM IHT Service to IFAs.

We like coming to our offices in the Charterhouse but the Commensus IT Platform provides us with the assurance that we can always work from home or any other location, should the need arise.

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